Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hello everyone-it's been a long time and for that I apologize-only excuse is this hip replacement and the physical therapy is killing me-but I will get through this also-someone once said(I don't remember who--it might have been me in another life)BE STRONG AND IT WILL BE GONE---well I am strong but it is  STILL HERE--any way I am working hard on some new pieces of jewelry and will be photographing them this next weekend--the new look is some bib necklaces --take a look and let me know which one you like best- I am going to set up a Judge Me game as soon as I can figure out how to do it on the web--I want to put up three items and some how make it so you can vote for the one you like best-cast the vote with your email address and once the time is over I will let the computer select the email that wins the item-I will then contact you by email to get the shipping address and send it to you--sounds good--all I have to do is figure out how to do it--look for this in about a month-I will post on my facebook page Cynthia & Company Ltd.     on my blog   www.meandsue.blogspot.com   on my instagram--   Felttoday
hopefully you will find me on one of them--ok so that is all for today-here is a sneak preview of some of my new stuff---
wire crochet with beads

wire crochet with beads