Sunday, March 6, 2016

It has been a while since I last talked to you guys and for that I am sorry-my life has been somewhat of an upset recently but I guess so has yours-that's life I guess but sometime you have to wonder "what did I ever do to deserve this"but I guess it's like the guy who complained he had no shoes until he looked and saw the other guy had no feet-so it could always be worst-that being said I have to be happy about next weekend-It is the Morristown Craft Fair at the armory and I have a booth at it-I am going to show for sale some of my nuno silk felted scarves, some beautiful felted and sinamay hats, some of my crazy handmade jackets and also some very nice felted necklaces and bracelets-I hope you have the time to visit this very nice show-there are so many great artists that show their fine handmade items-I don't know the number of my booth yet as they are given when you sign in but just look for   Cynthia & Company Ltd. in the book of artist--look forward to seeing you there. Good Night!! If you get a chance go on my etsy store and look at some of the items I will feature at the show----      Cynthiaandcompany/